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Fresh Anointing

Frequently Asked Questions



How much does it cost to register?

$35 for members (MZAC and GAFT) and $45 for everyone else.


What’s included in the Registration?

Pad-folio, ink pen, Prayer Bunch, conference program.


How long does registration lasts?

Registration will last as long as there are workshops going on? The last shift for registration is Saturday from 9:00 AM - Noon.


What forms of payment do you take?

We take Visa, MasterCard, Check or Cash (if no credit card machine available, write their information on the registration cards or the back of a tithing envelope). Everyone registering on-site must still fill out the Registration Card.


Is there a discount for only registering for 1 day instead of both days for workshops?

No, the registration costs are the same if you are attending 1 day or both days of the conference. Even if you are attending for 1 day, that covers breakfast and lunch for that day. Not a bad deal!


Do I have to pay/register to attend the night services?

NO, the night services are FREE!




When & where is food served?

There’s Prayer Brunch on Friday. There will be food for sale during breakfast and lunch hours.


Where can I get food?

In the fellowship hall: Breakfast and lunch will be sold, outside of the Prayer Brunch. Also, there are many fast food restaurants on 38th Street. (which runs east and west-in front of the church) ranging from Churches Chicken to Subway, both within walking distance.


What is being served?

The food items were not known when this document was created, please visit the Fellowship Hall for additional information.




Is there a block for hotel rooms?

Yes, at Sheraton Indianapolis: click here or at Indianapolis Marriott North: click here




Do I have to be registered to attend the workshops?

Yes, workshops are open to all those that have registered.

What classes are offered? Please see the attached schedule of conference workshops.


What if I’m not a minister or leader, are their classes for me too?

Yes, there are “HOT TOPIC” classes during every workshop session that are for General Audiences.


Who’s teaching the workshops?

There are a variety of qualified facilitators, that if you attend any of the workshops, you will surely be blessed! Give a copy of the conference schedule which lists the workshops and times.


What time are the workshops and what days?

The workshops begin on Friday at 9:30 AM with an Opening Prayer Breakfast with Prophet Brian Carn. Friday workshops end at 4:00 PM. Saturday workshops begin at 10:30 AM and end at 3:00 PM.




When are the evening services?

At 7:30 PM on Thursday and Friday


Who’s preaching at the services?

Thursday - Bishop Noel Jones


Friday - Bishop John Francis


Sunday (morning and evening) - Bishop Tudor Bismark




Where are the restrooms?

There are restrooms located on every floor of the church.


Outside the Main sanctuary in the foyer. Women’s restroom closest to the main sanctuary, Men’s restroom at the far end near the elevator.


Outside the Mason sanctuary in the hallway. Women’s restroom closest to the elevator, Men’s restroom at the far (west) end of the hall, near the conference room.


Lower level-both outside the Fellowship Hall near the vending machines


Is there an elevator to move between the floors?



Can we take food or drinks inside the workshop rooms?

No, we are trying to keep the rooms as clean as possible. You may have a snack if your health depends upon it. The facilitators may have water.




Do I need to report in anywhere to help for Fresh Anointing?

Everyone assisting with Fresh Anointing should check-in at REGISTRATION, in the foyer of the main sanctuary prior to going to their area of focus, in case anything has changed.


What time do I need to report?

There is a list of Ministry responsibilities at the registration desk with schedules of times, based on the ministry assignment. (i.e…there is a list of all those working hospitality for the weekend on this list, along with those assisting with Registration, etc.) FA Committee members will report Thursday - 4:30 PM, Friday - 9:00 AM, Saturday - 9:00 AM, and Sunday - 9:15 AM.



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